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Tips to defend a research paper

Can someone suggest some tips to defend my research paper? I have to present my research paper in the coming week and I have no clue as to how to do it. Please help! Thank you in advance!

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Nidhi S Answered 5 years ago

Balram, is it an oral defence or are you supposed to present a PPT?

By Balram Meena Answered 5 years ago

Nidhi, I’m supposed to present a PPT.

By Nidhi S Answered 5 years ago

I will provide a few tips. Just go through them 1.Stick to the basics No need to recount everything. Use your PPT to portray the most important findings: just relevant information. 2.Do not include more than 20 words per slide Too much text on your slides will simply ignore your slides. Slides are in support of your study, not to provide a written background text. 3.A clear structure in three segments Your introduction must give a clear idea of your study. The middle segment should talk about your research problem and how you obtained an answer. In your conclusion provide your audience with an overview of the key points and draw a conclusion.

By Radhey Shyam Answered 5 years ago

Nidhi has already mentioned what needs to be included in PPT. Here I have mentioned few general tips that need to be considered The title must be in bold and centered font. The second slide must include acknowledgment. Insert a precise research statement in the following slide. Include the significance and limitations of your research in one slide, followed by the application of your research.

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