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What are the major qualities in making a successful dissertation?

5 years ago in Case Study By Shubham

Major qualities of Dissertation.

In my opinion, one of the major qualities in a successful dissertation is the development,
explanation and accomplishment of a strong methodological plan. Consequently, it will be feasible to properly analyse and 
verify the achieved results, and when possible, the study may be replicated by the peers too!

These points are crucial to meet promptly to make a successful dissertation.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Akash Answered 5 years ago

In my opinion, one of the major qualities in a successful dissertation is the development, explanation and accomplishment of a strong methodological plan. Consequently, it will be feasible to properly analyse and  verify the achieved results, and when possible, the study may be replicated by the peers too! These points are crucial to meet promptly to make a successful dissertation.  

By Aamir Answered 5 years ago

These points are crucial to meet promptly to make a successful dissertation. In order to have a successful thesis, you can follow these tips below: 1) You should present the following two parts clearly; what are you planning to do, and how are you planning to do it. 2) Your thesis topic and the proposed methods should provide a high level of importance that make other researchers depend on your work for others. 3) Both theoretical and experimental parts should be explained, discussed, justified, and written in a professional way. 4) Make sure that all the references you use in the thesis have been published in high impact conferences, journals. All the best

By Pavitra Answered 5 years ago

I think a good dissertation needs to have a sequence between the research question and method.  Your research question should bring up emerging and challenging topics once your method must be able to effectively answer your research question,  also needs to be used with high methodological accuracy. Still, research efforts help to give robustness to your work. That’s the basics. But if you want to go further, you should focus on deep analysis.  The most important components of a successful dissertation include having a clear research question, a clear method, and verifiable results.  Sometimes, narrowing the inquiry to a specific topic and research question is the most difficult part. Be cautious. I hope you do the best!

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